Would jets work for me?

Fairly new to AWS, but I’ve been a rubyist for a few years.

In my company, we are using the AWS CDK to generate stacks. Our deployments are done using bamboo for example. We don’t have access to the AWS console to change anything, certainly not in production.

So everything has to be created in code via either CFT or more recently the CDK.

Could I use jets at all? Can it generate lambdas etc locally without deploying? Does it generate CFT under the hood?

E.g if I wanted to create an API gateway, lambda, lambda authorizer, kinesis stream and a RDS database - could I do it in jets? Can you configure everything in code, like CORS etc… or is the expectation that you will have to do some config manually in AWS via the console?

What could it generate for me that I could commit to my repo and deploy in Bamboo to AWS?

Maybe I would need to integrate jets in Bamboo somehow…

There are a few questions here.

RE: Would Jets work for me?

It depends.

RE: AWS CDK to generate stacks

CDK is a more general tool. Jets is more for applications. For Rubyists, consider lono.cloud - which is a general CloudFormation framework tool. Note, I’m also the author.

RE: Could I use jets at all?

It depends on what you’re using it for.

RE: Can it generate lambdas etc locally without deploying?

You don’t really generate functions locally, you just run them. They’re functions. There are several ways to run code locally. jets console is a quick way.

RE: Does it generate CFT under the hood?


RE: if I wanted to create an API gateway, lambda, lambda authorizer, kinesis stream and a RDS database - could I do it in jets?

RE: Can you configure everything in code, like CORS etc… or is the expectation that you will have to do some config manually in AWS via the console?

RE: What could it generate for me that I could commit to my repo and deploy in Bamboo to AWS

Jets allows you to write serverless applications with code. The jets deploy command generates the CloudFormation templates and deploys it. Bamboo or any CI tool can run the jets deploy command. Here are docs with CodeBuild and Cody. I’m also the author of Cody. https://rubyonjets.com/docs/extras/codebuild/

Unfortunately, you may never get the reassurance you may be seeking. Here’s a good quote:

“Reassurance doesn’t work because you need an infinite amount of it” -Seth Golden

The docs are quite helpful. Suggest spending some time there to get your feet wet.