I try to develop React application on jets

Hello! I think “jets” are very interesting and full of possibilities.

By the way.
I’m trying to build a react application using jets and the webpacker that comes with it.

I created a new project jets new demo
And I did jets webpacker: install.

Next, doing jets webpacker:install:react fails.
No such file or directory-./bin/rails (LoadError)

From this, I speculated that i should create a rails project and then install jets. I tried it several times and didn’t know what to do for React working.

Can you give me some hint or the location of the material?

Thank you!

Bummer, jets webpacker:install:react doesn’t work with Jets. Jets uses a forked version of rails webpacker integration and adjusts it to get asset compilation working. The current fork is here: https://github.com/tongueroo/webpacker

At some point, will take another pass at the webpacker integration to improve it. Definitely want to take another look at. Unsure when though.

Thinking if you want to just get it working, maybe run webpacker:install:react on a Rails project. Then take that diff and apply it to your Jets project. That’ll give some hints on how to get webpack react installed.

Oh! I see!
Thank you for the quick response.
I will try it.
Thank you !