Deployment creation failed


I run into this issue during deployment:

02:19:19PM CREATE_FAILED AWS::CloudFormation::Stack JetsRackController Embedded stack arn:aws:cloudformation:eu-west-2:535475742688:stack/analitics-lambda-dev-JetsRackController-FQLANAZ7G489/4cc7eab0-2f9a-11e9-b1e5-02851838e1f2 was not successfully created: The following resource(s) failed to create: [ProcessLambdaFunction].

02:19:19PM CREATE_FAILED AWS::CloudFormation::Stack JetsPublicController Resource creation cancelled

02:19:19PM CREATE_FAILED AWS::CloudFormation::Stack JetsPreheatJob Resource creation cancelled

Any idea what can cause the issue or how can I debug?

Wondering what the error on the JetsRackController Embedded stack is. You can look it up on the CloudFormation console: The error message within there might provide more details.

Thanks for your answer, tried to follow those steps, however, I still have the same issue.

15:00:08 UTC+0000 UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS AWS::CloudFormation::Stack analitics-lambda-dev The following resource(s) failed to create: [JetsPublicController, JetsPreheatJob, JetsRackController].
15:00:07 UTC+0000 CREATE_FAILED AWS::CloudFormation::Stack JetsPreheatJob Resource creation cancelled
15:00:07 UTC+0000 CREATE_FAILED AWS::CloudFormation::Stack JetsRackController Embedded stack arn:aws:cloudformation:eu-west-2:535475742688:stack/analitics-lambda-dev-JetsRackController-11BE9TPIQ6L3Z/ffe787e0-2f9f-11e9-8f8d-0a4e95df1c9a was not successfully created: The following resource(s) failed to create: [ProcessLambdaFunction].
15:00:06 UTC+0000 CREATE_FAILED AWS::CloudFormation::Stack JetsPublicController Embedded stack arn:aws:cloudformation:eu-west-2:535475742688:stack/analitics-lambda-dev-JetsPublicController-BQC5AGNRJG6C/ffefec50-2f9f-11e9-b6ea-0ad01a6c5eea was not successfully created: The following resource(s) failed to create: [ShowLambdaFunction].

Okay. I see. Wondering if you can click on the JetsRackController child stack instead. That’s the nested child stack that should provide a more detailed error message. :ok_hand: Screenshot that.

I have the id of the address. All the nested parts deleted by the rollback.

So that’s still the parent stack. :ok_hand:

We’re looking for the error within the child stack itself. I see, the nested child stack was deleted as part of rollback. This happens if it’s not successful the first time. You have to refresh the CloudFormation console during a deploy to see it and capture that.

Ahh, ok, I can see now the problem. However, I tried to change the variables and in that case the deployment haven’t even started due to missing credentials.

Cool glad you found the error. :+1:

RE: However, I tried to change the variables and in that case the deployment haven’t even started due to missing credentials.

Um :thinking: The credentials you use locally on your machine with AWS_SECRET_KEY should be fine. Only need to remove the credentials from the .env files. Though you’ll have to update your app so that it doesn’t use those AWS Lambda reserved variables if they do. FWIW, I usually use an AWS profile.

Here’s another post where that person removed the AWS_ and updated his app. Error while deploying: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID reserved environment variable

Interesting, thought that I provided a safeguard check for reserved env variables in Guessing you’re using Jets Afterburner mode and maybe the safeguard doesn’t check in that case. Anyway, will double check that later.

Managed to deploy, thanks for your help. Had the same issue with the environment variables in the .env file.